Development of the Lufubu River Basin Hydropower Cascade Project
Brasca A., Galantino S., Vulpiani F., Nyirenda A. S.
Experimental results on the physical model of an USBR type II stilling basin
Brasca A., Pontillo M., Fecarotta O., Carravetta A., Del Giudice G., Padulano R.
Fluorescent Tracer Tests for detection of dam leakages: the case of the Bumbuna Dam – Sierra Leone
Battaglia D., Bezzi A., Birindelli F., Rinaldi M., Vettraino E.
U_S Face Permeability monitoring for Gibe III dam and resin injection works
Pittalis G., Cagiano A., Pietrangeli G., Bianciardi P.
Design of the Highest RCC dam (Gibe 3, H = 250 m)
Pietrangeli G., Pietrangeli A., Cagiano A., Pittalis G.
Design and Hydraulic Model of Gibe III Dam Spillway
Cagiano A., Masciotta A., Pianigiani F., Pietrangeli A
Ruzizi Hydropower cascade coordination optimization : A case study
Galantino S., Vulpiani F., Brasca A., Kayitenkore C.
Innovative applications of drone technology in the engineering of large dams
Pietrangeli G., Pittalis G., Milesi V., Cifra R.
Community promotion of ECGLC energy sector: key role of the new regional dispatching centre of Kamanyola
Pietrangeli G., Galantino S., Colucci I., Kayitenkore C., Rebolini M.
Managing unprecedented RCC challenges at Gibe III dam, Ethiopia
Asnake A., Cagiano A., and Ferraro B.
Ethiopian Renaissance – Processing development using the fast-track design and construction approach
Ferraro B., Bezzi A., Rossini C. and Mastrofini P.
Seismic tomography: A Vital Tool in the Preliminary Investigation Stage of any Hydropower Plant. Examples of Two Large Projects in Ethiopia: the Gibe III and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Projects
Pietrangeli G., Censini G.